1. Oh wow!!! When I started reading this post, my chest started tightening up and I felt myself breathing a bit harder. We have such a mess….My parents and my husband’s parents have passed away, and we have my husband’s quadriplegic brother living with us….so with all that comes “stuff” from homes left behind, and supplies and stuff (needed for my brother in law) that have a home in our garage as well. Add to that, our 43 years of marriage stuff that we either can’t, won’t or don’t get rid of. I am motivated, but can’t get my husband that way….he wants to get rid of my stuff and I want to get rid of his, so we wind up in a fight, and the devil wins again!!

  2. As always, LOVE this!!
    There is much to unpack here…but you’ve hit it dead center. Our stuff tells our story! Why are we so crazy for shows like Fixer-Upper? Because we all long for the before-and-after message.

    To personally answer your question…I’m going to have to unpack that one. In at least 500 hundred words on the blog. You heard it here.

    Thank you, sister!

  3. Lately I have been scared to even enter my garage. It is so disorganized and cluttered and every time I start to get it organized my children come in and move everything around. It is such a mess. Part of my problem is I have no place to keep the things I want to keep and I can’t afford to throw out what I want to get rid of. Sigh…. If I win a copy of your book I would greatly appreciate it.

  4. My stuff tells me I hold on to too much and not enjoy my life as much if I were more clutter free. Rooms in my home are not relaxing that are packed full of stuff. I want my stuff to be things I truly love and value.

  5. I LOVE this piece. It’s as if you were reading my mind, living my life!! Twins separated at birth? (PS, don’t pick me to win, I have the book, I just HAD to tell you what a good piece this is!!

  6. Mr Thomas is I do not have a garage but I did have an extra room and I have recently cleaned it out and made it an exercise room. When it was a mess I felt guilty and lazynothing it is clean I have to do the whole house again cuz of the holidays and pets. any tips would come in handy. thank you for your time sincerely Linda books

  7. My house screams “4 kids & functional”. There’s not a lot around that speaks about who I am or what I value besides family. I would like a little more beauty, a place that makes me smile when I walk through.

  8. My stuff says I cling to past while collecting More and more stuff.

    I want my story to say that I have things that bring me joy, but I don’t cling to things out of obligation. I’m a new creation in Christ.

  9. Bobbie Hanson says:

    Looking at my garage I see that I am a procrastinator. I put other people’s needs before mine.
    I would like to see less junk which would help clear my mind. That will be challenging since a lot of the junk is my husbands who is a pack rat.

  10. I wish I knew what story my stuff was telling! Perhaps it’s just such a mess that it’s hard to hear anything!!! I did get through my room & my daughter’s through this year & made a significant difference. We both love our order much better. I have to attempt my son’s again. Well, my sons’ again, really. There’s a few. This time, instead of re-organising clutter, I think I’ll throw alot out!! That story would be “There’s room to breathe here. Room to be. Room to create & laugh & love each other. “

  11. My stuff is telling me that I’m not yet chaos free…my home office actually makes me feel a bit scattered at the moment. I am a calm steady person…especially externally…I just want the inside to match on a more consistent basis.

  12. What a very honest post. Thank you so much to be willing to share it with us. I think my stuff is telling me that I’m not willing to let go of the past, that I’m trying to hang on to the way things used to be, or the way I thought things would turn out. I’m hoping my new stuff tells me I’m willing to let go and let God and learn to be happy in the now.

  13. Ann Chrystal says:

    •What story is your stuff telling you about yourself and what you value?
    That I am a pack rat and don’t throw ANYTHING away. That I value you JUNK!
    •What new story do you want your stuff to tell?
    That I am organized and that I care how I look on the inside and out.

  14. I try desperately not to think about the stories my garage (and all my stuff) tell about me. I so want my stuff (or lack there of) to say that I am a good steward and that I love God and others more than my stuff. I am looking forward to a NEW year in 2016 and to accomplishing some goals including becoming CLUTTER FREE! Thanks for the encouragement and inspiration!

    PS. Maybe I’ll go home tonight and take a before picture tonight. Should have done it a few months ago before we did a first pass purge of the empty boxes. 🙂

  15. Answer to question #2
    I want my new life to be free of others judgments effecting me , I spores rate encouragement and am working on not letting negative dictate my choices …. I want to “Be” the Cynthia God created me to be and free to welcome others into the life God has given me …….I’m one step closer with answering this question , the old would have hid behind clutter and business not paused to share . Thank you for asking the question , well better go get rid of stuff I no longer need

    Have a blessed day Cynthia

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