1. I have never chosen a word to use, but I would love to adopt your “ask.”

    So many times I feel hurt by something that was said or done, or afraid of how someone will react or feel. But I keep my mouth shut and take my rant to Jesus. Not that He minds.

    If I were to ask about the motive behind the hurtful something I might find out that it had nothing do to with me at all. If I were to ask someone how they felt about something I might find that it doesn’t bother them at all. And maybe spend more time quietly in Jesus’ presence, rather than spilling my hurt and fear at His feet. Not that He minds.

    Thank you for being real and sharing your faith journey!

    Your tattooed Sister-in-Christ

  2. Hi Cheri,
    I’m visiting from Bonnie’s link-up today, and I just love how you’re putting your word into practice! Discovering new facets of the word — especially that ask means also invite (instead of assuming your friend is too busy) is such a beautiful way to approach the new year! Glad to meet you! 🙂

  3. I’ve picked two words to focus on, for the two areas of my life that need the most work but go hand in hand: fearless and delight.

  4. Judy Ritter says:

    Listen…Guilty of finally tuning in to someone talking to me at least half-way through their communication…frustrating to my husband in particular – Many times I really don.’t care about a sports comment or a TV show replay, but it is important for my husband to share something…Struggling with this…
    Timely and applicaple post from you; thank you!

  5. Well, I definitely need to learn to listen. I listened (lol) to a great video by Susan Seay about listening. Here’s the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0gw7taBpRIU. So my word this year is Encourage. I find that I tend to criticize, belittle and just be frustrated with the people in my life and I want words of life to come from me as God works through me. So instead of what I want to say, I want to think how I can encourage in that situation. Also, I want to reach out to others and use my gift of encouragement to lift others up (it’s easier with those not in my family), but I’m an introvert and it’s tough to step out of my comfort zone.

  6. I’ve started the new year by reading The Listening Life by Adam S. McHugh. There are so many relevant stories and practical applications from a God perspective in this book about listening that I have already decided (half way through) I must read it again, and take notes! to fully absorb and put things into practice in my own life.

  7. Change. I am changing how I approach issues, how I treat myself, what I allow myself to put up with. I am changing my vision and most importantly, changing my attitude.

  8. I love your thoughts on “ask” and getting to the heart of listening. Oh how I needed this reminder today, as I interact with my children and with my husband.

    For me, my 2016 word… “Declutter.” I have been using the tag #declutter2016. I am decluttering multiple areas of my life–materialism, broken relationships, activities, too much tv/movies, wasted time, and my list of ongoing worries. I am decluttering and removing all the unhealthy excessiveness. This is my year to purge, to remove, to release to God…to get healthy.

    Happy New Year Cheri! And blessings to you!

  9. i have chosen #Joy #oneword365 since i have been waiting for the Lord to move me for the last three years and thought i was waiting for a breakthrough and a comeback. I choose joy not misery.

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