1. The truths of life hurt. I am so thankful that He is the Truth! There are so many hurting people that tend to point out what others are doing wrong instead of looking at themselves. That takes the focus off of them and puts it on someone else. I’ve been there too many times. It hurts! I’m sorry that you were hurt! I’m learning to ask God to help me to be able to take criticism better. It’s been a long road and I am getting better but it’s really hard. I just want to be the me that God wants me to be.

  2. This book sounds like a must read. I too have struggled with comparing myself to others who seem to have it all together and beating myself up in frustration when I cannot make it work. Thank you for sharing! God really uses you to speak to the heart!

  3. Anonymous says:

    Wow, this one hit home…especially since school just began this week for my two boys…thus my comparision of myself to other Moms who seem to “have it together” more than I do. As I get to know them better, I realize that we are all just in the same boat and realize that Christ has done the work for us.

  4. I feel the same way too! Compared to others, I am a failure, but I need to keep my eyes on Jesus. He compares me to no one. I definitely do not have the “perfect” marriage, children, etc… etc… I can say… “I stayed”! If I do not learn to live in the moment, be thankful, and content then I will be miserable, because my life will never be like my expectations. So am learning to love life, little moments, simplicity, fun, time, and be very grateful. Because others may look like they have the more perfect life, but looking closer, they have problems too, just different from mine.

  5. I think, I really need to read this book! It sounds like a great book!

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