1. I wipe down the messy wet counters in public bathrooms and airplanes.

    I never break traffic laws – EVER.

    But I do sneak food into the movie theatre in my purse. My husband made me do it. And I felt really guilty about it, too.

    I’ve always said that Judaism appeals to me – it’s lots of do’s and don’t’s and I CAN DO THAT! This live by grace stuff…way harder.

  2. I’m honestly having a really hard time hearing this… Loving God, following Jesus are the top priority- but that doesn’t negate following the rules. I would prefer to know the rules and follow them rather than strive for ignorance (in reference to your movie theater experience).
    It seems to me that “following the rules” is highly synonymous with living a holy, righteous life. I’m not referring to my standing with God, but to the way I reflect Him to this world.
    I, for one, don’t think I can agree with you on this one. (And that’s okay with me – I just thought I should put this out there) 🙂

  3. For most of my life I’ve followed the rules exactly. Now at age 34 I’m realizing that it’s okay to bend the rules every now and then. My parents were very strict. If I didn’t follow the rules I would get into trouble. If my parents said to be home by 9 pm I knew I better be inside the house by 8:50 pm. Even at college where I had more freedom I couldn’t get myself to break any rules. It was very ingrained in me to follow the rules. i always felt like I needed to look over my shoulder to see if anyone was watching. Crazy! I’m very thankful that the man that is now my husband of 14 years was brought into my life! He is an amazing man and I don’t know where I would be in life if God had not brought him into my life.

  4. Wow! what a lesson… I believe I too am a rule follower, and yet not to say I have not broken BIG rules to my disgrace (and I mean it). Yet, I also don’t feel “free” if you know what I mean. And so many times, the relationship, rule following, etc… etc… kind of ends up in a blob of gray. I was also brought up in a very strict family, I am in an unequally spiritually yoked marriage, and that makes following the rules, and expecting others even my kids to follow them even more difficult. And many times it is a bit joyless. I need to learn something new! Right now I am reading through the gospels trying to really understand JESUS and how He lived.

  5. Oh my. I may not be an exact rule follower…I adjust recipes and earned a speeding ticket last year…

    BUT I still expect others to do the same…to have the same convictions as me. And that is just wrong. We have freedom in Christ…

    Thank you!

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