1. I’m a dad with 4 teen/early 20’s kids all without tattoos…yet. Personally, I’m not a fan of tattoos, Currently, my 3 sons and daughter are still being financially supported in various measures by their parents through school or getting established in life. I’ve told them all that to get a tattoo without having to entirely use their own resources would be disrespectful to their parents. This would include repaying family debts, if any, My purely financial approach, to tattoos on my children seems to have bought me some time to prepare for the eventuality and for their desires to mature.

    If the ‘eventuality’ arrives I will remember, and my kids will know, that just as nothing can separate me from our Father’s love, no tattoo(s) will shake my love for my children. I will also chew hard on the advice I routinely dished out to my kids. “You don’t have to like it, you just have to [do] it”

  2. Leigh Bramante says:

    As I sit here in my living room at 6:51am, I am trying to find the words to thank you. I have been reading your Tattuesday series since I finally got out of bed at 4am. Tossing and turning and struggling with where I went wrong. Now with tears filling my eyes I see so much hope! My daughter just got her 3rd tattoo (this one on her foot for ALL to see) 🙂 And it’s going to be okay!! We have a good struggle ahead and I so thank you for giving me the courage to face it. She IS such a wonderful daughter and I am blessed by God to have her in my life.

    1. Leigh — Now I’m sitting here with tears filling MY eyes! YES — it’s going to be okay! YES — it’s a good struggle. And kudos for you for focusing on what a wonderful daughter she is. God will lead you on this journey, and your willingness to follow will make it SO much easier for both of you. You’re in our prayers!

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