1. Thanks Cheri for your post. Yes, I do that all the time. Actually, my dh and I both do. But, we’ve been married 21 years this coming Thursday, so we also must be doing something right. 🙂 I married my best friend. He still is.


  2. This is such a great post. I need to be reminded of this daily as I have a hard time getting it over & over again.
    Blessings in Christ–

  3. Such perfect timing for me to read this post! I have this exact problem and have realized it lately and now want to not be like this. Thanks!

  4. I am so there:) My husband tells me that all the time. I’m stopping by from Wifey Wednesday. Thanks for sharing. You have an amazing blog. I’m going to add you, so I can follow you more often.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Cheri…I REALLY needed that ! I do tend to do that…think he means worse or different than what the actual meaning is. What a good question to ask ! I think it works both ways…he should use this, too.
    I will SHARE this new knowledge with my hubby…we will both benefit 🙂
    Thank you !

    Sylvia Moe

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