1. Hi Cheri! I’m over from Michael Hyatt’s blog, and thought I’d meet you after all our back and forth. You are so right on the trust issue. And …you are not four anymore. Hope you and your brother have a great party. Be blessed.

  2. Cheri, powerful ending. Betrayed at the age of four. I shared this story with Ellen’s family probably five minutes after I read it. We gathered for a special family evening (brother-in-law as the lead in “On Golden Pond”) and I read your post right before we had dinner. No Tabasco on the table. We were eating Chinese.–Tom

  3. “cool” story! I could do a similar one with “Joy” as I once tricked my younger brother with a Joy-injected chocolate covered cherry (we were both kids). He has since forgiven me, and giving family members chocolate covered cherries is still a Christmas tradition/family joke.

  4. Like the direction you took with this! So creative!

  5. Great post. Love how you tied the two together. It is amamzing how something can burn an image in our mind and be a source of trial for many years to come. Loved reading your post. Be blessed today! Tirzah

  6. Wow! I can see why this experience with “tobasco” is burned into your memory! Great post and great writing…

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