1. Anonymous says:

    What if my spouse doing something harmfull to himself? Like drinking too much or smoking, unhealthy lifestyle? If he gets ill later, won’t I regret that I didn’t interfere back then? Where is the line where between caring and overprotecting?

  2. Awesome! A wonderful post, Cheri. Really love your title; it says it ALL. Freeing isn’t it?

    Thanks for joining us for Marriage Monday today, as always.

    Blessings, e-Mom @ Chrysalis

  3. I love it! I totally related to your comments on detachment. Learning to let go of my kids’ emotions has been difficult, but necessary. I’m guilty also of trying to keep my husband on task and treating him like a child and I hate the way it makes me feel. And it’s demeaning to him. Tough lesson, but important to learn. Thanks.

  4. Amen! It’s so easy to want to fix everything for others. I mean, after all, we know best, right?!?! Thanks for the great post! Blessings to you!

  5. Yep, being his “parent” and being his lover go together like ice cream topped with ketchup! Yuck! Very good insights, Cheri! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Bleeccchhh!!! What a fabulous simile I know I won’t forget any time soon! 🙂

  6. You know what we’re thinking at this point: Did he open his mail yet? I learned this lesson just today! My husband is ultra organized and I read a fact relating to our upcoming vacation in July. I innocently e-mailed him, said he was probably already aware of this fact but I was just double-checking. What resulted was a perceived challenge to his organizational skills and an escalating banter between. Geez, I guess at the age of 56 I should give him the benefit of the doubt! ha ha!

    1. ROFL! So glad I’m not the only one…sometimes I feel like the best choice is to put a big strip of duct tape over my mouth! (And I have a feeling he’d agree!)

  7. Sexy Christian Wife says:

    Love this blog. I have been learning about different boundaries to keep away from with my husband lately too.

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