1. I agree with all the women who said that their a-ha moment was when Jennifer said, “happiness is the external expression of the internal joy that we find in Jesus.” AMEN!!

  2. I will have to say the same as Laura….My ‘ah-ha’ moment from today’s podcast featuring Jennifer Dukes Lee was when she stated that, “happiness is the external expression of internal joy found in Jesus.” Beautifully said Jennifer!!! I have been going through a personal six year trial that has brought me down many times. However, if it hasn’t been for this trial, I would not have found happiness in the midst of the tears. This may sound strange but I am learning to find good in bad or difficult situations. I am also learning to be happy “with me and who I am”. Most of all, I want God to be happy with me. Thank you ladies for this podcast and blessings to you all. ~Lisa~

  3. My “ah-ha”…looking for my bronze medal! 🙂

    For future topics: Does God actually call us to excellence? (we are to think on excellent things, work with all our heart, do all for the glory of God, be holy as he is holy. Of course He is excellent, but where do we Find that we’re called to excellence?) In my
    Mind “excellence” conjures up images of being “the best.” (Webster associates it with “surperiority.”) In keeping with the medal analogy, maybe we’re not called to medal. Maybe we’re just called to finish the race…or faithfulness? 🙂 thanks for the podcast! Really enjoyed it and took the assessment 🙂

  4. My ‘ah-ha’ moment from today’s podcast featuring Jennifer Dukes Lee was when she stated that, “happiness is the external expression of internal joy found in Jesus.” LOVE that!

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