1. M.D. Harness says:

    I SO enjoyed this! Early in my marriage (now nearing 17 years!) God clearly showed me that I was elevating my husband above my Savior. What a shaking that was for me. Excellent post, honest and direct…Thanks for sharing your heart!

  2. This is great. I am constantly struggling with my insecurities since my husband is not verbal about his feelings for me. I can get into a pretty bad place in my head if I succomb to those fears rather than thinking it through logically – checking off ways that he SHOWS it.
    Lately I have been feeling that call in my heart to find my confidence in God’s love for me. He whispers that if I will do this, my husband will respond in a possitive way – but by then it won’t matter because I won’t “need” it from him anymore.
    This article is helpful to know HOW to put the emphasis on the right relationship.

  3. Yippee! Good post.

    In church, we sing “On Christ the solid rock I stand…” Do you know it? Like you, I stand on the love and rock of Christ in our marriage, FIRST.

    Whenever I notice I’m not receiving the love I need from e-Dad, it’s a strong wake-up call that I’ve lost my focus on giving him the unconditional respect he deserves.

    For instance, when his respect tank is really low, he misinterprets my tears as his failure to please. On the other hand, when he’s all topped up, he stops taking my tears so personally, and he’s able to be tender and comforting.

    Thanks for joining us for Marriage Monday today, Cheri.

    Blessings, e-Mom

  4. Lisa Maria says:

    Cheri..this is brilliant! Thank you for sharing your heart here. This one really hits home…I too expected my husband to fix what was broken in me. When we put Christ at the center of our marriage…that’s when we really got things off to a better start. Thank you!

  5. I love your unexpected twist on straying. God’s been telling me the same message lately, that I need to let HIM meet my needs, not expect my husband to. Hard lesson to learn, but one I know will take the pressure of my man.

  6. Great words of wisdom, Cheri! And there’s one theme that I keep picking up from many of the posts today–the difficulty of staying engaged through the seasons of life and marriage. I’m so glad you chose to stay connected with your husband through your devotion to Christ, rather than making your husband your focus. Wow! What a great metaphor! Thanks for sharing!

  7. My beloved’s biographer. I love that perspective!
    Thanks for bringing some needed common sense and encouragement to all of us married ladies for when we begin to wander off the trail.

  8. You really hit the nail on the head for me! Due to my bio dad’s lack of a relationship with me as a little girl, I hung all my expectations on men meeting my needs. I was pregnant with my first daughter when I was 16 and by the time I was 18 the marriage was over and I was a single Mom. Instead of being wiser for my experience, I jumped into a marriage with a man I really didn’t love, had a another daughter and by the time I was 24 was a single Mom AGAIN! By now I had become a Christian and gained SOME wisdom but even when Dave and I married, I looked to him to meet all my emotional needs. Talk about pressure! I’m surprised he DID put up with me! Fortunately, after 2 failed marriages and his own mindset and belief in commitment, divorce was not an option. We weathered our marriage in those early years but only by the grace of God! I think too many of us have grown up with the happily ever after mentality or in my case, never seen an example of a healthy marriage and how much hard work it actually takes. we give it a deadline and if it hasn’t met expectations, we cut and run!
    Thanks for sharing!

  9. I’ve often wondered the very same thing about my husband. How does he put up with me?!?! But then he often says the same of me. Great post! It’s so important to let Jesus be our Savior and not our husband. Thanks for the reminder!

    Happy Monday!

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