1. I’ll have to check back for #5! I love this list. It’s so great that you are focusing on the postive! We have 2 & 3 year old boys and I already worry about what I’m doing right and wrong. I also have to mention that my family listened to Car Talk along with Prairie Home Companion growing up. I have good memories of that. And, my husband and I cancelled our cable 2 years ago. It took some initial adjusting, but we felt it was best for our family and we really enjoy the peacefulness now!

  2. I read to the boys, almost every night, even when they are monsters and I’m ready to duct tape them both to the wall. And my husband and I work as a parenting team – we don’t let the kids divide us. As for Gabe, he wrestles with the boys almost every day. They love that rough-housing with Daddy and I love to sit and watch. It’s a special time for all of us! Lastly – we discipline when it’s hard, because we love them too much to let them stay the way they are.

  3. Looks like you did a lot of things right! Looking forward to 1-5.

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