1. It is amazing how God puts opposites together. 🙂 Chuck and I are SO different. Learning to work out those differences has taken determination, but it was so worth it.
    Great post!

  2. Excellent insights! Our unique temperaments play a significant role in our *perceptions* of marital compatibility. And then you add natural gender differences to the mix. Ouch!

    Someone once said, our differences bring us together, and our similarities keep us together. I believe God designed marriage to be a blend of both. Good News: In those “hard work marriages” there tends to be greater passion… (LOL, who would want to be married to a carbon copy of themselves? I wouldn’t.)

    Your attitude of unselfishness and dependence upon God is commendable! I trust your husband is moving in the same direction(s). It’s counter-intuitive, but your DH’s happiness is greatest when YOU are happy… because when Momma ain’t happy, ain’t nooobody happy. Help him to love you.

    Thanks for joining us for Marriage Monday today, Cheri. And thanks again for your RTs on Twitter.

    (((Hugs))) e-Mom

  3. Kelly Fisher says:

    This is a great post. I can relate to alot of the lessons learned. I lost my identity in my husband – and almost lost my marriage! Finding it again in Christ was, or still is, a “working journey”! Blessings!

  4. I love the “opposites attract…then they drive each other insane.” Thanks for the advice…and for reminding that being opposites is okay and still part of God’s plan.

  5. Oh how true! Disappointment can result from thinking our husbands can meet all of our needs. Thank you for that reminder today. Hope you have a wonderful Monday!

  6. Great post! It is so true that some marriages seem to take more work than others. I’m curious to see which personality types my husband and I would fit into.

  7. I love how you say that your “most work marriage” was how God needed to teach you to depend upon Him alone. I think often we forget that even our marriages, and often especially our marriages, is the avenue God uses to mold us into the disciples he desires us to be. I know that is true in my “more work marriage” as well. Bless you for sharing!

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