1. I always considered myself a goody two shoes and proud of it. But I didn’t realize it was keeping me from experiencing God’s grace and love deeply. It took losing my baby to really get His love for me. To get a story, my own story, of what His grace and love truly feels like. It was a blinding, self-righteous life and now I see the world with different eyes.

  2. I have been wanting to read this book. Thanks for Blogging on it, I would love to win a copy

  3. “I am a “Good Girl”…
    …who needs all the grace she can get!”
    when I read this I immediately said “oh yes me too!” Every once in awhile that “good girl” who hopes she is “good enough” peeks out and I just have to remember GRACE. Thank God for it. So love your transparency in this post and I second what Emily said…write the book. Every story is different and every story needs to be heard. Do it. Thanks for sharing! Blessings!

  4. Would love a copy of this book!

  5. Dolores Green says:

    this is MUCH needed Cheri. Thank You. ♥


  6. I’m thrilled you’re doing this. Love your honesty here, Cheri. Love it so much.

    And now you need to go ahead and write that book.

  7. I always heard, growing up, that I could ______ if I just tried hard enough. Well, that somehow transferred over to my new life as a follower of Christ, but I now work to shut down the “shoulds” before they paralyze me!
    Aaahhh… letting go: I would consider what God thinks of me and desires for me much quicker than I would consider what my mom thinks of me and how I’m doing. Certainly, my daughters’ messy hair and stained clothes, and this messy house wouldn’t cause me the grief they have! (I’ve got 5 blessings, aged 6 and under, for goodness’ sake!) God is so faithful to remind me again and again that my priority is to love and train my children, not keep everything looking pretty.

  8. Anonymous says:

    HI! I looked around for your email,but didn’t find it. I wanted to personally thank you for the Purse-onality cd I received in the mail for taking the survey. I can’t even tell you how enjoyable your presentation was and how much I learned and saw the need to apply these principles to my own life. You are a gifted speaker, no doubt. God bless,
    ~Karen in New York

  9. Well, I, the perfectionist, had grand ideas of doing this study with some girlfriends a few months ago (even mentioned it to them and tried to arrange it), and when I couldn’t find a time that worked for all of us, I just gave it up. Thanks for the encouragement to dig it out and begin where I am.

  10. I can so relate to this good girl obsession. Sounds like a fantastic book!

  11. Anonymous says:

    Check out Brene Brown’s TED talks on Vunerability and Shame. Good stuff.
    Really wanting to read this book. Would love to win a copy.

    Joy S.

  12. I so need to read this book. I have felt guilty for years for not being “good enough”. Not a “good enough” daughter, wife, mother, sister, housekeeper. And the list goes on & on.

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