1. I can remember a time when I should have known how to share my faith. That person died months later, possibly without coming to know the Lord. I can relate to your shame. 🙁

  2. My 12 year old daughter read the email before I did and sent it to me to make sure I read it. She said. “it is really something to think about”.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Amazing post. It really stirred something inside me. I have been struggling because I feel I have the goody-goody image and was envious of the ones who lived life outside the lines. But now I see that its ok. I’m ok. There is nothing wrong with playing it safe. I can offer as much to life as any one else. Thank you for sharing a part of your life story with the rest of us.

    [email protected]

  4. You mentioned in your post that you’ve come to terms with the good-girl image and how that is not as bad as you thought it was (actually it is kind of great). I’ve come to a similar sort of realization and I don’t know if it is getting old or getting wise but it sure is welcome to be able to be a goody goody two shoes and feel good about it.

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