1. In the past I really have bought into the power to get idea. Since we’ve cut up our credit cards we don’t have the option to charge so it simply means that we only purchase a few gifts at Christmas. We’ve had to plan ahead and purchase gifts over several months before Christmas. It’s been a blessing in many ways. We have been doing much better at focusing on what the real meaning of the season is instead of buying into the commercialization. I’m a work in progress. Thanks for the great post!

    1. Kristina —

      Ahhhh, the freedom that comes with cutting up the credit cards! I was amazed at how quickly my feelings of “must get” disappeared when the option “to get” disappeared! Planning ahead can be such a fun part of the gift-giving process. My least favorite thing is trying to find “the right” gifts a day or two before Christmas, partly because I miss out on all the creative thinking and anticipation!

  2. My goal this year is to have the cards, gifts, and decorating done by the first of December. In the past, we were usually still shopping the week before Christmas and that has caused us to spend more than we were planning. My vision for this Christmas season is to be one of peace and relaxation so we can draw closer to Jesus.

    1. Lori —

      What a great goal! To be done with preparations so “early” that the entire month of December can be devoted to focusing on Jesus. I’ve never thought of it that way, and it sounds SO appealing! I think we will try it…I’ve got enough time still!

      Makes me realize how sad it is that one of the #1 retail days of the entire year is December 24…so many people out buying rather than relaxing w/family…or trying to cram both into the same day…

  3. I am really evaluating what special things to give this year over trying to spend the allotted and preassigned money amount. Often times the special gifts are not as expensive, so why spend the extra money?

    1. Leesa —

      This is a great “ah-HA!” for me! I usually spend down to the last penny…after all, that’s what the money is for, right? But spending just for the sake of spending isn’t good stewardship…especially when that extra money could truly benefit someone.

  4. Really trying to get my heart ready for Christmas!

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