1. Anonymous says:

    We do Samaritan’s Purse. I love doing this! We also have a Jesse Tree. This year I am determined to FINALLY finish cross-stitching the ornaments, I’m half way there. I like to wear my Jesus is the Reason for the Season pin. I tell others Merry Christmas when I’m out, no matter what they say to me.

    Thank you for the wonderful suggestions today. They were a blessing.
    God Bless,
    Kim in NC

    1. Kim —

      What’s a “Jesse Tree”? I’m not familiar with it. I definitely need to get a Jesus is the Reason for the Season pin!

      Glad you enjoyed the suggestions — sure appreciate yours! 🙂

    2. Anonymous says:

      You know, I have been at aholyexperience.com this month for their Crazy Joy and she has a link for it http://www.aholyexperience.com/free-advent-devotionals-jesse-tree-book/ I got my cross-stitch patterns from http://www.jesse-trees.com It is a wonderful Advent program that is based on the Bible. You can get free coloring coloring pages. It starts in November. I started this when my 3 oldest were a lot younger, they are now 13, 12, and 9. I also have a 5 and almost 3 year old. I decided that if I was going to do the Jesse tree while I still had young ones I better do it now. I started the cross-stitch ornaments around the time I got pregnant with our 5 year old, so I figured it was about time to finish.

      God Bless,

    3. Kim — Thanks for the link! What a beautiful concept…and what great ornaments to cross-stitch!

  2. Anonymous says:

    We like to bake and deliver to the elderly and widows of our church. We also take trays of baked goods to the police, fire fighters, and ambulance personnel in our town as well as the Senior Living Center staff. We also like to participate in our church special Christmas project. One year it was a local family. Another year it was Operation Christmas Child. No matter what the project or service…if you do it with the right heart, it’s keeping Christ in Christmas.


    1. Kristina —

      You’ve hit the nail on the head — “do it with the right heart.” I think I need to make signs for my mirrors and doorways that remind me “It’s about Jesus, not you!” or something like that…I can feel so inconvenienced and so annoyed so easily, but I’m also learning to snap out of it when I realize what’s happening! 🙂

      LOVE the baking and delivering idea. This is another great activity we can do with our student advisees…invite them to come over for an afternoon of Christmas baking followed by caroling and delivery!

  3. renee dambra says:

    For Christmas this year we are having dinner at our home with just my husband and children. For our family we will go to midnight mass and I will invite friends and family for Christmas eve but my husband and I have decided the best thing for our children is to have dinner just us. My in laws wil come over in the morning to watch the kids open gifts and then they have dinner at their home. Because of a severe rift in the family I thought the best thing I could do to celebrate Jesus and enjoy this holiday is to stay home and I’m really looking forward to it.
    I also hope to find a place where our family can volunteer for Thanksgiving. I want to show our children ages 4, 2, and 7 weeks we have so much to be grateful for and to show them how other people live

    1. Renee —

      Sounds like you’ve got a great plan in place for avoiding unnecessary (and potentially destructive) stress and focusing on Christ with your family. I wish I’d been this intentional when my children were young and absorbing all the emotions in the house (instead of dragging them around to “keep happy” various relatives while I was a stew of toxic emotions myself!)

      Love the idea of volunteering for Thanksgiving. I’ve been made aware of a local soup kitchen, and I think we’ll do the same on Thanksgiving.

  4. We fill shoeboxes with treats and treasures for children. Through Operation Christmas Child (Samaritan’s Purse), we are able to share the love of Jesus while providing a gift for a child who may not know that Christmas exists, much less what it is about. This also helps my own children remember how abundantly blessed we are and to be good stewards of our resources.

    1. I’ve heard of Operation Christmas Child but I’ve never participated. This sounds like a great project for our group of student advisees to do together!

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