1. Anonymous says:

    I finished!!! I may be the pokey puppy, but I have arrived.

    Thank you for doing this.

    God Bless,
    Kim in NC

  2. A million thanks to you for doing this blog! Back in September, I realized that I spend every Christmas emotional alienated from Christ, but I never wanted to admit it (especially since I teach religious education). I did not want my kids to feel disconnected and was hoping that your blog would set me on the path of connecting my heart to our Lord. Every morning, I would read your blog and journal in my Notes app before getting out of bed. The first week really opened my eyes and started important conversations with my family and my self. Then the road got a little harder. Some days I felt like I was tweaking myself, other days, I felt like I was rewiring my brain! On the “People Pleasing” day, I discovered that not only was I one, but I was also Codependent! I took a mental health day off (not easy as a SAHM with a toddler), and got to the bottom of why I was the way that I was, and why I acted the way I did with people (I always thought I was a nice person and a good mom). That was the day that changed my life! Finishing up the month was wonderful because now everything falls in line with my new sense of self. You have inspired change within me much like the way a new baby changes a parent. It was such hard work for me to really look deep into my heart. But it was the best therapy that I could never afford. I wish I could hug you! I am eternally grateful! You are brilliant!

  3. Lisa Maria says:

    Cheri I’ve had to do some catch up reading since our internet connection was sporadic this past week or so,but I also want to thank you so much. This was a very enlightening series and I have learned so much. God bless you and yours!

  4. I have greatly enjoyed our Purse-onality Challenge this month. Thank you Cheri for your hard work and for allowing God to use you to mentor us in pray-paring for Holiday Ready Hearts!

  5. Cheri, Thank you so much for writing, for putting yourself out there!
    I “get” you!
    ~ Tina

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