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  2. Pingback: Hope for High Maintenance Marriages + Book Give-Away! - Cheri Gregory
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  5. You forgot the last part of those verses… “and the peace of God, which passes all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Want peace? Then pray, petition and be thankful!

  6. yep this is me anxiety at work no more breath in God…smile and rejoice….yeah I can do this!!!!!!

  7. Oh my! I say these very things to my high maintenance children and it never works. Two out of my six are especially high maintenance… Thank you for the helpful insight! I need to pray with them and help them find things for which to be thankful.

  8. A song we sing at church during the fall of the year is very appropriate.
    As a woman and hairstylist, it’s hard not to be high maintenance… I’m just saying..

  9. Anonymous says:

    Thank you for shedding some light on this..And for giving us “a way out.” Connie Y

  10. jesuslove1020 says:

    Love this post! Definitely portrays me I. A lot of ways!

  11. I am Anxiety Girl! Just sayin! LOL Love this post…it is so me!

  12. I can totally relate to your friends. Sometimes I canNOT understand why someone continues to do something that seems so easy to overcome (“seems” being the keyword ;)). But, I am in your shoes right now, with anxiety ruling my life. I can’t wait to read more about this!

  13. Thank you for this post! So many always think they have the answers to our problems and they know how to “fix” us. It’s hard. I know they mean well but it does just bubble up inside me and make it harder for me. I don’t take criticism well. I’m working on it but I was criticized so much growing up that my insecurities have grown. This year I chose the word grateful as my one word to focus on for the year. I’m choosing to find things to be grateful every day even if it’s raining all day. I’m trying to let go and let God.

  14. mesecar123 says:

    Cheri, thank you for being so candid! It all rings true with me. This challenge is making a difference in my life.

  15. I am an anxiety girl too! I have a list that I’ve written, but I need to post it!

  16. Anonymous says:

    My DH is the anxious one; I tend to believe it will all work out in the end. But I struggle with being negative and not being grateful. 100 things to be grateful for? That’s hard…I’ll start and see how long it takes. Sure switching that bracelet a lot!

    #1 – just received my What’s for Dinner? book by Kathi Lipp. THANKS!
    Heidi J

  17. Anonymous says:

    Wow, I cannot believe this is so spot on for me. I’m the poster girl for anxiety and my hubby has used all those platitudes on me to gear me away from the anxiety. And honestly, I’ve allowed myself to actually listen to him and I end up laughing at some (not all!) of the thinks I’m anxious about. I think laughing in the face of anxiety has helped me a bit. I was a mess before, and yes, very high maintenance in the “watch what you say around her” department. Love to win the contest as I want to give this study to a find – with the verses and the book, esp. I want to do it again with her when she has time this summer. Thanks for speaking my language with this study.

  18. Thank you so much! Someone finally understands that while I want to be calm and peaceful, there is a tangle in my wiring and I don’t know how to get to contentment. I need the roadmap and a hand to hold along the way doesn’t hurt either 🙂

  19. I hate anxiety. It limits you from doing what you need to do. Thank you for this post today.

  20. Anonymous says:

    This is so me! It sucks being Anxiety Girl. I do think praying and focusing on the good things helps but you have to do this constantly throughout the day and that is quite difficult! Natalie

  21. Anonymous says:

    Thank You so much for sharing this today! I am a fellow anxiety girl! And you explained it in the exact words I feel! Normal girls (or even “normal people”)just don’t get that you can’t twinkle your nose and leave where you’re at and join them!!Thank you Cheri for sharing your perspective, and giving me directions to help me out. I will definately try harder to pray, show thanksgiving, and toughest of all, surrender.

  22. Anonymous says:

    When I read the bottom of the post with the challenge to make a list of 100+ things I can be thankful for, my very first thought and comment (out loud) was, “Oh my goodness… I don’t think I could even get to 10, let alone 100.” My Husband responded with, “It’s all about perspective. Not to mention, you need to change your bracelet because that was a negative comment.” Urgh.

    It’s not that I wouldn’t want to come up with a list of things I’m thankful for, but I don’t want my list to consist of “filler” items, but things of real meaning and purpose.

    So with the challenge of not only the list but also my choice of perspective, I will start asking God to open my eyes and reveal those extra blessings that I often miss throughout the days and begin writing down the thoughts He brings me. I know over time He is going to bring the list to well over a 100 and in doing so, He is going to be transforming my mind and heart to the things that really matter.

    G. Logan

  23. Anonymous says:

    I so needed this. I’ve been anxiety girl in hiding for so long sorta like Clark Kent. Only I was scared that those around me would find out. I am making my list today.
    Please enter me in the contest too.
    M. Waters
    svnhm1 at yahoo dot com

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