1. Anonymous says:

    How true. I too have tried to force many things when the outcome is not coming as fast as I would like it or in the manner that I expected.
    HOW many times have I caused the Lord to change his focus because I wouldn’t change mine?
    I love your contests, thank you for blessing us.
    M. Waters of Melissa’s Musings A Product Review Blog

  2. But even soldiers need a quiet place to rest….
    I love that….I love how I am learning to focus my thoughts on God ….even when things get hectic…

  3. Today was extra hard for me as I encountered challenge after challenge. I really forgot how many times t switched my bracelet. I went back and read the blog from yesterday again. I’m encouraged that the bracelet and devotions plus study cards helps to remind me of what I think or say. Thank you for helping in this area. It tells me that I am striving to be more and more like Jesus!

  4. Today really speaks to me. There are so many times I start something only to get frustrated with myself and quit. Whether it’s losing weight, reading a book, or even relationships. I need to persevere but it’s so hard. Perhaps it’s because I always seem to try to persevere on my own. I need to ask God to help me to persevere. With His help and guidance I know I can do it. Thank you so much for this series! He is speaking to me through you in so many ways. God bless!

  5. Crafty Mama says:

    Love this! (And I love that Twila Paris song! ;))

  6. jesuslove1020 says:

    Same thing With me newequus! It’s amazing to look back and see how far I’ve come!

  7. Annemarie’s point is so appropriate. I can look back at things that I’ve done and realized how much I’ ve persevered by taking one step at a time. 🙂

  8. I love this one!! Thank you so much for this series.

  9. Anonymous says:

    @Nikki – I understand where you’re at…me too. Will be praying for you.

    The “one step at a time” is a “perfect” analogy. Thank you!

    Heidi J

  10. Nikki Strong says:

    I know it is such a challenge to be more positive in yourself. The hardest part is when you are struggling on day 18 to be positive in yourself and others are totally negative and with your positive attitude you are trying guide them. And it doesn’t work.!! That is my challenge for today.

  11. I have enjoyed every days challenge and am committed to seeking God and following his will.

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