1. Amanda Y. says:

    Wow. I just discovered this and haven’t had time to completely process it yet, but I wanted to thank you for this post. I have struggled so much in this area, and can rehearse the hurts over and over, which is, of course, completely unproductive. “Throwing away treasure doesn’t turn it into trash.” Love it! Thanks again.

  2. Dolores Green says:

    Thank You for this Cheri. Very helpful to me today..thank You! 🙂 Dee

  3. This is very powerful Cheri, thank you for sharing. I have always had BFFs in the negative sense as well and have always had issues with friendships. I’m now trying to look back and think of where I could have picked up something I was never meant to drag around all my life. Thank you for sharing your wisdom that God has given you! – Nicole @ Working Kansas Homemaker

  4. Women and friendships have so been on my heart. I have a blog post brewing over it!

    I love that you said about starting a new story. I think as women, we need to give ourselves to do that, especially in the area of friendships.

    I read a simple book on friends called “The Friendship of Women” years ago and it has really been such a blessing to me to realize that God brings people into our lives for different reasons. Some are lifers, some are just season. Some, bring grace for a moment.

    Thanks for blessing me today!

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