Grit 'n' Grace Episode # 45


  1. Fabulous program which offered deep insights while at the same time some really good belly laughs. Mary is soooo funny! Great time spent. Thank you yet again Cheri and Amy.

    As a recovering perfectionist I often breathe a sigh of relief after your shows. It’s like ‘wow other folks struggle in these areas too!’. I am still on your emailing list which says alot as I subscribe to many lovely and helpful authors but end up unsubscribing due to lack of time. Not yours! May God continue to bless your ministry. ?

  2. mary fowler says:

    I would love to win that

  3. I have struggled over the years with keeping friends and cultivating deeper relationships. I am open to learning new ways to develop and keep deeper relationships!.

  4. Sally Rynazewski says:

    In my personal manifesto is this line: “I am overwhelmed with gratitude for my daughters and circle of sisters.” I LOVE my peeps!! 🙂 Girlfriends are so important to our sanity! Thank you Jesus for the women you have given me in my life who speak TRUTH over me!

  5. Ladies
    I love listening to your Podcasts each week and find them so encouraging. I also love the format where you have a topic and you reflect the next week. Sometimes our “self help to-do list”can get so long. I love how the two of you allow time for it to sink in and then share and challenge us more.

    I had two concerns that were bothering me while listening to this episode #45.
    1) I often feel very needy and like to spread my needs out to my different friends but I’ve also found a danger in this.
    Sometimes I feel like no one gets to know the full me and I give out selective pieces. Sometimes this is intentional and sometimes it’s just because it’s hard to get FaceTime with friends without my little ones running around. This is especially true because my current friends have only known me for four years due to moving.
    2) my second concern was around the Idea of intentional fun and experiences with friends that was shared an episode 45. I have little ones at home (son 4 & daughter 2). I deeply desire this girl time but feel guilty because I barely get quality husband time.
    My husband and I try to have dates but are often drained from normal life. Even on our dates we seem out of practice. Haha.
    I feel guilty that I have more fun with my girlfriends than my husband. My girlfriend time fills my emotional bucket but I worry that my husband time doesn’t. I am blessed with a wonderful supporting husband that loves the Lord but fun seems like a memory.

    Thank you for your encouraging words along with your vulnerability and transparency in these fun podcasts. ❤

    1. Abby, we’re with you! Maintaining a balance that keeps all our relationships thriving is complicated. We’re praying for ourselves and for our audience to follow Jesus in taking steps toward healthy, happy friendships and families.

  6. As part of the senior group, I’ve had lots of friend changes in my life. Some have been very painful.

    The biggest so far happened just a few months ago. I wrote to a friend of 30 years to share the devastation of losing 7 people to death in 8 months. One, my 49 year old niece. Her response was that at my age, I should expect a lot of deaths.
    While this may be so, there was no sympathy for my loss and pain.
    It gained more sting as the FB posts of her enjoying the company of different groups of people roll by. I’m happy for her, but feel more than miles separate us now.

  7. Our friends are so essential to us. How and who we spend our time with is such an important message. I learned long ago that I need to limit my contact with certain types of negative, gossiping women and it has made such a difference for me. Facebook is a tricky place because we can get caught up easily in “friends” drama, the perfectionism, the critics, etc. When you consciously separate that out, decide how you spend your time, the real makes you much happier. My bible study sisters are the real world to me. We support and pray for each other and accept each other unconditionally. When truth and love and God-honoring words and actions are at the heart of your friendships, your soul thrives.

  8. Tamie Gierth says:

    Friends are such an important part of life. I have gone through some seasons of friends and now have a niece who is getting married in a few weeks who just enjoyed a weekend away with her girlfriends. I am encouraging her to continue to spend time with her girlfriends in the future. I am off to Maui with two in just a few weeks and we always have a wonderful time. Thank you for sharing

  9. This post really spoke to my heart. A woman that I thought was a close friend, broke up with me. I was devastated to say the least. I had never had anybody break up with me before, it was usually me doing the breaking up I guess. And the interesting thing about this friendship is that I always felt that the Lord brought her into my life to mentor her. The relationship consisted of me listening to her and me being there for her. She generally didn’t ask me how I was, or wanted to know what was in my heart. I went along with this for a time, thinking that God brought me here, so it’s not up to me to leave until He said so, even though I didn’t feel fulfilled. The day came when I was hurt so bad by her actions, and I told her so, We tried to make the relationship work, but she continued to do the things that were hurting me, and I spoke to her again. Nothing changed, so I pulled back. However I was being replaced at the same time by another “New Friend” and ohhhhh did that ever burn me up. Needless to say that was a couple of years ago now. And so many things that you gals talked about really helped do more healing in me. ” I need to grieve the relationship I THOUGHT it was”. ” I miss the friendship I thought it was”. And at the very end of the relationship, being able to say to the person, “I know life has changed, but I miss hanging out with you”. The friend I am talking about, maybe a month or so ago we FB each other and I said to her, “I miss having Bible study and hanging out with our kids together”. I guess the Lord was bringing it to an end in a sweet way, and I didn’t even have to do it on my own, It just happened. It still makes me a little sad just thinking about it, However I have peace, cause I’m looking after my tender little heart. Thanks so much for this post, I pray that you keep sharing on this topic, in a deeper way. I think this is a struggle for many of us. Blessings to you ladies.

  10. Nancy Griggs says:

    I used to have the best friend. We did everything together. We traveled. We went on three Christian cruises. There were even times we shared a house together. We fought. We made up. Our greatest bonding was the love of the Lord. She died over three years ago. Now I would love another friend. I don’t have as much to offer anymore. I am 75 years old. I no longer drive. What I need is a younger Christian sister who can do the driving and help share expenses. I still have a lot of years left to have fun.

  11. I have always had very few friends, and would love to learn more about how to make those relationships richer. I don’t want a lot of friends, but I do desperately want real, deep friendships.

  12. Oh wow! This has given me so much encouragement thank you ladies! I had a close friend walk out of my life when she found out I wasn’t perfect and this threw me into the deep end well and truly. As a perfectionist I self-analysed and thought I was so bad and such a failure because I had offended her (not intentionally)…..but now after time and truly seeking God, I realize that her friendship was definitely NOT what I thought it was and I went through a long time of deep grief. I am now enjoying close friendships with a few other women and feel so blessed that God has helped me mature through all of this and has blessed me with other friends who are actually far truer friends. I thought I was the only ‘weird one’ but listening to this podcast has made me realize that there are actually others like me out there. Thank you!!!!

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