1. Thank you for an awesome podcast! I’m excited about God will show me! The biggest takeaway I got from the podcast was to be thankful to your husband for what he does and not to focus on how he didn’t do it. I’ve actually been working on that and didn’t realize I did the opposite until listening to the podcast and thinking about it. Thanks for the realization!

  2. Angela Hamby says:

    Just to be appreciative. Be thankful and not so perfectionistly prickly.

  3. Agnes Merlin says:

    Great words of encouragement… too many take-away’s to list… but my favorite is “they just don’t see it” … especially what ever is at the top or bottom of the steps waiting to go up or down! LOL

  4. Yes, to grow more Grit, to extend more Grace, and to receive the Grace that God is always offering to us. Yes, to embrace God’s Grace

  5. Way to go, Cheri! I plan to listen to your podcast this afternoon, while I’m cleaning out our travel trailer. Is this podcast on Stitcher? I looked for it there but couldn’t find it.

  6. They just don’t see it story about the husband searching for the baby right in front of him was a hoot! One I will remember.

  7. Reinforces the shift I’ve been trying to make with my husband: to approach each situation from the starting point that I know he loves means and means the best for me. Thanks for the encouragement to keep that focus during a hard season.

    Also really excited about the Grit & Grace format – thought provoking conversation about perfectionism verses perseverance. Also like the fairly short format…easy to work into the day.

  8. I expect my husband to be a mind reader..I mean after almost 16 years of marriage he should know exactly what I am thinking, right!?!? Communication used to be a big issue with us and I felt like I was doing everything around the house..if I would have just asked him instead of thinking he knew what I wanted done we would have had a lot more peace in the early years of our marriage. Extend grace to your husband…it makes a world of difference!

    so ,excited …I wasn’t going to do this study ,I was having a full plate…but I’ve been stirred listening to the podcast! wonderful, thank you. Have to get the book and sign up . t.

    1. Amazing how God sends us what we need…. I have been struggling in this area and SO needed to listen to this podcast … Thank you for opening up this conversation , it’s already made me want to make necessary changes !

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