1. Dana Ekstrand says:

    After going through the warm up week, and giving more thought to those attitudes and habits I might possibly need to change, I have come to the conclusion, that my “gift” of sarcasm–which I practice much like prayer (without ceasing)–may require me to just paint a bracelet on my arm, rather than wear it out changing from wrist to wrist. 😀

  2. Out with the old in with the new and better….stay focused on why God chose me…be happy in him ….quit carrying the regrets, and garbage that brings me down….For he is in me….

    All can be good ….I’m ready to focus on what God wants for me …how he wants me to be…use me God help me when I fail to recognize immediately, catch myself and fix it . I can do this with God.

  3. Can’t believe that we’re starting officially tomorrow! I’ve been already trying to do better or pointed out to myself when I complained… This was a very good post. I am to critical too so this totally spoke to me. To bad I cannot see the video. Germany does not let me see it because of the music rights. Oh well, I read the rest! 🙂

  4. Ephesians 4:22-24 says that the old is rotten, wrong, burdensome and I MUST get rid of the old! Out with the old and in with the New!!! I can’t wait to clean out my PURSE – gone is my criticalness and negativity! I just wanna feel good about things again! Overflow of the heart…….

  5. Critical words…towards my husband and children especially. I’m doing some catch-up here to be all ready for May 1, and I am really enjoying the posts!

  6. I need to empty anger from my PURSE-onality during May. I still hold onto a wrong that was done, and have been “suffering” through it for 4 years. I have said that I have forgiven, but I am having a hard time forgetting.

    God has put on my heart many times to let it go, but it is so hard to trust again. My prayer is that God will give me tenderness and love toward the one who I am angry with.

  7. I have so much “junk” in my PURSE-onality that I don’t know where to start. So I’ll pick one and work on it and then go on to the next one. Thanks for the inspiration.

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