1. i started reading your blog about 5 weeks ago. Not the whole thing, just one entry off of Pinterest. Now I have stumbled on it again, and done more of a wander around. I know God led me to the PURSE challenge, and definitely to this entry about losing your “identity” of yourself when you get rid of things. I am trying to hold on to my old self and not admit i have gained too much weight to wear all those clothes i am too big for. i can see a new way of looking at my ‘stuff’ and am hopeful that god will use it to free me up to trust him more and let go of those misconceptions i have. Thank you for all your insights and teaching.

    1. jjflamingo — Delighted to have you “wandering around” along with me! 😉 It’s taken me decades to be able to see the connection between the “versions of me” I’m holding onto when I refuse to let go of my stuff. None of them are real, and all the stuff makes the real me miserable. Glad you’re joining the journey!

  2. I want to let go of a lot of ‘stuff’ – I am going through a divorce and will need to move soon. This gives me a great opportunity to let go of things I’ve been holding on to for whatever reason.

    1. Heather — Prayers and hugs to you during this transition time! What a silver-lining way to look at your impending move.

  3. mesecar123 says:

    I haven’t checked in for a few days. I can relate to your post a few days ago about trying to change my husband. Just this week I’ve thinking about compassionately just accepting him and others they way we are including myself. I think we all just want to be unconditionally accepted. One of the things that really helped me during the challenge was the Bible Verse each day. I have each one printed out and stacked on the counter. I read through them all the time.
    I love your organizing challenge. I watch ‘Clean house’ on Netflix almost every night. My kids love it too. I’m in a continual quest to make our house more orderly and peaceful and to hold my shopping impulses at bay.

    1. Mesecar — “I think we all just want to be unconditionally accepted.” SO true. Love your phrase “compassionately just accepting” — so simple! (Not necessarily easy, but simple!) Delighted to hear that you found the daily Bible verses helpful! Getting in the Word and the Word in me is causing changes I’d given up on in my life, that’s for sure!

      Orderly…peaceful…shopping impulses at bay…all such worthy goals! 🙂

  4. Pets do often seem to need a lot of care, don’t they? I love books too but for some reason I don’t have a single one on dogs. We’ve had many dogs but I find that there is so much available on the internet that I don’t invest in dog books. 🙂 When it comes to dog treats and toys though our dog loves them both.

    1. Kristina — If you look closely at all these books, you’ll find that most (possibly all!) have never been opened, at least not by me. My knee-jerk response to just about any problem has been to BUY MORE BOOKS. Learning to Let God lead through prayer and His word — the ONE book in which I can find all the answers! 🙂

  5. I want to let go of my insecurities and of “stuff” that I don’t need anymore. Like you I have pet stuff, books, clothes, etc that need to be gotten rid of. I have dog treats under my kitchen sink that I bought at least 2 years ago and my dogs don’t really like them. But I keep putting them back under the sink “just in case”. It is time to throw them out.

    1. Staci — Who said anything about insecurities?!? (Is my Freudian slip showing that much? 😉 SO true…I’m starting to catch myself buying things that I hope will “complete me” or make me “enough.” I’ve always wondered how minimalists do it…I’m starting to suspect that when one is secure in Christ, stuff just doesn’t matter!

  6. I can relate to the letting go of the fantasy self…preschool teacher here. With Internet available I’ve been killing myself trying to do all of things I see other teachers doing all around the world. I’ve come to realize I can’t do it all. Plus, God has given me my own talents. I’m trying to be successful at those instead of trying to be like everyone else. As I’m clearing our my classroom I’m finding so much I really don’t need.
    Gingeroo616 at aol dot com

    1. Stacy — I SO understand the added pressure of access to what “other teachers” are doing! I’ve spent so much time collecting ideas/materials that I have no time to implement anything! And the more I get, the more insecure I feel about myself, so the more I go searching…vicious circle!

      Over my 20+ years of teaching, I’ve collected dozens of shelves of books…trying to “stay on top” of my field with the “latest authors”…today I was impressed, “Cheri, it’s time to do TPC “lite” at school” to which I responded, “But most of my “stuff” there is books!”

      “Cheri, it’s time to do TPC “lite” at school”

      So now I’m prayerfully pondering that too many books may actually cause “baditude”…an entirely new concept!

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