1. This Christ-mas, I would like to be able to let my family be…. Not micromanage. Be filled with awe inspiring grace to glorify and shine for my God,that I will look and behave so differently to last year and every year before, that my family will definitely want what I have and have theirs eyes of their hearts opened to the only truth.

  2. Oh my gosh!
    I love Screwtape Letters!! I especially love listening to the audio book! It’s hard sometimes to do the mental reversal to get what he is saying…But I love it. C.S. really “got it.”

  3. Mindy @ New Equus - A New Creation says:

    You are going to LOVE the play! I went last year and it was AMAZING!

    My Screwtape Letter? Hiding behind the “funny” mask. (Yeah…totally know I do that!)

    What I would do differently for CHRIST-mas? Tell my kids to pick a charity that they want to receive their “present money”. They have so much STUFF and it would be better served to make a difference in the world instead of collecting dust in their bedrooms.

  4. @ Mindy…that is a great idea. What would I do different? I would work harder to make CHRIST my focus and not all the trappings that ‘the world’ calls Christmas. I would set aside more time to thank, honor and adore Jesus.

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