1. Cheri, this is fantastic… really a good post. I love the way you understand your man, his needs, and how he feels rewarded. What a great metaphor–video games.

    All couples go through a steep learning curve (we sure did!) to learn how best to relate to one another. Our gender differences can be profound.

    On the other hand, our gender differences can be our greatest source of joy and security. For instance, I’ve learned how to harness that mysterious male energy for my personal benefit… and now we’re both much happier. I get to have my feminine needs met, and he gets to feel successful in pleasing me. What’s not to like?

    So glad to know you’re over that gender hump that can make marriage miserable. BRAVO!

    Thanks for linking up. I’m thinking about offering an informal Marriage Linky every two weeks. Please come back!

    (((Hugs))) e-Mom

  2. e-Mom…

    Thank you for your kind feedback! I just attended a Learning and the Brain Conference last week. One of my big take-away “ah-HA”s was the list of reasons video games are so effective at capturing the attention of gamers. My challenge in the classroom is to incorporate more of the qualities of video games into my curriculum planning and daily classroom experiences!

    When I saw your invitation to link to a marriage blog post, I didn’t think I had anything to write about…and then I wondered, “If the key qualities of video games can apply to the classroom, why not marriage?”

    So, it was fun to explore this new — for me at least! — metaphor.

    I love the idea of an informal Marriage Linky!

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