1. You are a talented writer Bryan! Keep it up! Great reminder for us all to stop what we are doing and care. Thank you!

  2. Bryan, first, congratulations on graduating.I loved your post. Such mature thoughts. Caring about others should always be of great importance to us. You have a caring heart. May the Lord bless you in all you do.

  3. Bryan, What a wonderful reminder that we must not forget to make time for people. I struggle sometimes remembering that I need to be available.

  4. Bryan,

    I just wanted to thank you for this post! AMAZING! You spoke so well to the need of every human heart to be accepted and what an amazing young man you are to not only talk about the reality of that need but to be someone who ministers to the needs of others.

    I loved how you said, “Is that it? I thought to myself. Can he be fixed that easily?”

    Yeah… most of the time… that’s it! So glad you already know that!

    By the way, my husband is a drummer too. He played professionally for years and plays for Jesus almost every weekend. He would tell you be sure to learn ALL of the rudiments! They may be monotonous and you may think you will never use them but it will make you a much better drummer. His favorite music is jazz fusion and you know how technical that is to play… so stick with it! 🙂

  5. Thank you for allowing Bryan to guest post! This was very inspiring to me. I already wanted to give him a “way to go, you did good” hug..then I read he is an aspiring drummer..well I’m a drummer by vocation and so is my husband..I have a bit of a soft spot for drummers 😉

    The part that inspired me most “even if I am inexperienced with certain situations or afraid of what may happen.” This is so true! Just being there counts! Many adults need to hear this also. Way to go!

  6. This was beautiful! It is so true that no matter how busy life gets we have to make sure to make time for people! Very touching!

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