1. Hi Cheri and Amy,

    Schools here in PA are closed right now due to the Coronavirus. I find myself with unexpected gift of time. I loved your point of intentional disciplining. I am intentionally trying to use this time off with my kids to slow down, spend time together, and truly get to know my kids. (And I’m also using this time off to listen to previous episodes of Grit ‘n Grace!)

  2. Part of me agrees with the comment about the relationship with your adult children being the proof of raising your child(ren) well. But my relationship with my adult son, really daughter-in-law, has never been more strained and distant. I have been forbidden to see my grandchildren for over 16 months. My son allowing his wife to control and manipulate has broken my heart! To try and not go totally insane, I’ve teetered back and forth between trying to forget I have a son and grandchildren and desperately trying to reach out.
    So maybe I was the worst momma in all the land…….

    1. Thank you for sharing your heart with us. I think many of us have felt like the worst momma at one point or another. While it’s important to recognize our mistakes, it’s also important to recognize that our children feel, think, and make decisions for themselves. Relationships with our adult children and their spouses can be challenging, “And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.” Ephesians 3:18-19

      1. Thank you, Cheri.
        I appreciate your prayers and encouragement. I’m a regular listener to gritngrace and enjoy the wide range of topics you cover. I’m sorry for sounding so negative. But that’s where I’m at, unfortunately.
        Hugs and blessings.

        1. No apology needed, lc! We are honored that you trust us with your honest experience and perspective. <3

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