Created to Be Different


  1. First time listener and I received some valuable gem nuggets. I can look at and see God’s glory reflected back at me in these gems . I’m in a spot of being uncomfortable. I’m allowing myself to be uncomfortable and not get in the way with what God is doing. Praying and knowing that he has the plan that will give me hope. “I will walk this out with purpose.” Thank you for sharing and I will definitely tune in more to Grit & Grace.

  2. Erickajen says:

    Well any book you ladies speak of is one I want. Changing my life!

  3. Patricia Jaracz says:

    I’d love to win this book! And love this website!

  4. Thanks for sharing this. It is a message close to my heart as I have struggled with identity and finding my worth in what I “do” – for most of my life. God is helping though it is a continual process. I love your hearts. You all are a blessing, keep up the good work.

    Pst…thanks for the chance to win this book!


  5. The laughter on the podcasts are contagious!❤️?
    On a more serious note, I recently lost my mind and horrible words and actions followed!??
    After some time, repentance, and prayer, I’m certain my Heavenly Father has shown me, regardless of what the other person did, MY MOTIVES were totally selfish and impure. At least in this situation, that’s the bottom line. A friendship was forever ruined. All because I had expectations and, for whatever reason, the other person chose not to extend the kindness/invite to me.
    It doesn’t matter that I felt slapped in the face, insulted and hurt. The truth is I had motives and expectations and I chose to act nasty – even if – actually especially if – this “friend” was trying to provoke me.
    Only I am responsible for my words and actions!
    I’m not God and I don’t know their heart.
    Sad story. Sorry I didn’t have anything funny……
    Y’all keep on laughing and I’ll keep on listening ????

  6. Nancy Griggs says:

    Wonderful discussion today! Always love to hear you interacting with each other.

  7. Christy Brady says:

    Would love to win a copy of this book!!

  8. Nena Hodges says:

    I would love to win a copy of Pursuing a life of Passion and Purpose! I long to be more passionate and purposeful in my daily life as I seek to honor my Lord and Savior!

  9. SusanKelly Garrett says:

    Passion and purpose.. I have always wondered what mine are. At age 61,, I am still trying to figure these two out. I am praying for guidance from God, to lead me in my travels to serving him in my life with what his will is.

  10. Sheila Daniel says:

    Can’t wait to read Uncommon and Untangled! Thanks, Carey, for sharing what God is teaching you!

  11. I need to remind myself God knows the whole picture while we only get pieces. When we were house hunting we looked at about 50 houses in six months. We were getting very discouraged our daughter was about to start kindergarten and we wanted to be set. We put offers in on more than one house. Then July we were able to be the first to look at a house and put in an offer. We got it. Best part it’s blocks away from the elementary and middle school. It’s in a nice neighborhood and it’s under our max budget by about 30k. I am so thankful it worked out the way God wanted it to and not the way I wanted it to. I try to be calm when driving because my husband is the opposite and we have little ears that listen! I am in my 20s and have been through a lot but I know God is on my team and will always have my back! I need to ease up on myself being a perfectionist. Thank you for today’s message! Ya’ll have a wonderful week!

  12. Tamie Gierth says:

    Loved your message! I too struggle with the time behind the wheel when the lights seem to turn red and other drivers are just in my way! Gave me a good laugh and I know I am not alone in this struggle.

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