1. Hi Cheri, saw you when you were here in Alaska a few years back and enjoyed listening to you then and enjoyed you and the girls pod cast today. The manifesto sounds like what I need for a fresh start in 2017. Can’t wait to read the book and get started.

  2. Love this!! The personal manifesto is just what I was looking for to focus myself starting 2017.
    Thank you for all you do!

  3. Can’t pick my favourite of the two highlight moments! Quite honestly shed a few tears reading Cheri’s journey to accepting her dessert plate. Following some very traumatic events as a teen, I was left with a smaller plate than I desire. It was very healing to read that someone I respect was also blessed with a small plate, and in giving it fully to the Lord is finding freedom and multiplication. Also, two years ago when God slowly revealed another part of His future ministry for me, I had a moment of overwhelm at some of the types of things required. They are so NOT me! 🙂 This was a second assurance that where He leads me to walk, He brings others alongside – and they even want to be there! Incredible.

  4. Thanks so much ladies. I enjoyed the podcast. God bless.

  5. Thank you for your encouraging words and action steps.
    I am Overwhelmed, living in Chaos (well, I wouldn’t call it living)
    My mind is spinning with ideas, goals, to dos, I’m actually paralyzed.
    I want to climb out of the hole I’ve created in my houses down my heart.
    Thank you for letting me know I’m not alone. I’m grateful you can be my
    Virtual Team while I Learn to establish my Home Team.

  6. Nancy Griggs says:

    Love this new book! Love listening to all of you.

  7. Thank you for allowing the Holy Spirit to guide your talents, it is always a blessing to hear from you all. I think the part about getting your team together stood out to me the most and how even without knowing we can complement others because of our different preferences. I love how real you were about your fears in talking to each other about it because that helps me to know that I’m not alone.

  8. I love listening to you both and especially appreciated today’s show, “Overwhelmed!” I’m so intrigued by the personal manifesto concept and would love to learn more! Thanks for all that you bring to us the listeners!

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