1. Geralyn D Miller says:

    I have always been a people-pleaser and i have learned…am still learning you just cannot p.ease everyone all the time. And I learned years back that sometimes it’s way more important to leave those dirty dishes…they won’t go anywhere…..and spend that time with my family. The MOST important thing I have learned is to do what pleases our Lord God and THEN the other things will all work out…in His time. We are being perfected or completed thru the Holy Spirit working in and thru us to make us more like Jesus!

  2. First, THANK YOU for always making a transcript! I appreciate that so much!! Second, yay, fashion!! One of my favorite things; thanks for talking about it! Third, I love the champagne taste on a beer budget line. I might steal that. 🙂 Fourth, Cheri, I appreciate you sharing your struggles with food. That is such a good way of putting it, that you look to food to solve problems that food can’t solve. I need to remind myself of that each time I’m tempted to mindlessly snack. I am not fat, but I don’t eat well. So when people comment on how skinny I am, it frustrates me, because they don’t understand that I struggle with food. For some reason, the food I eat doesn’t show up on my body the way it does for other people, but that doesn’t mean that I eat any better or that I deserve praise for something I didn’t personally work to achieve (i.e., being skinny). Anyway, great episode! It gave me lots to think about. 🙂

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