1. Shantell Brightman says:

    This has to be one of my favorite episodes! The biggest “a-Ha” moment for me was the realization that play, grief, and forgiveness are deeply interconnected. When Lucille quoted Brian Setton-Smith, “The opposite of play isn’t work, it’s depression,” I literally shouted out loud, YES! It’s a good thing I didn’t wake up my 11 month old. I remember my dad loved, loved, loved to play. In fact, he and I used to play all the time outside, at the park, or at different amusement parks. We even used to give each other 5 minutes of tickling just to experience that deep belly laugh, you know the kind of laugh that makes you cry?! After losing him to suicide 4 years ago, it was hard for me to forgive others and it was hard for me to play. When I realized that grief comes in all shapes and sizes and that is a necessary part of life and love – I allowed myself to grieve, to really grieve. Eventually forgiveness followed and even play! Thank God for His goodness and grace!

  2. Lisa Moir says:

    My ‘ah-ha’ moment came when I heard that redecorating and working around the house is consider play!! I get so much enjoyment from creating comfortable spaces for my family. I have always considered it work that I just enjoyed. Who knew??
    My one bad rule for the holidays would be….We MUST do (fill in the blank) this year because we do it every year!!! I am realizing that some activities must naturally go by the wayside, possibly to make room for another more fun or fulfulling one.

    1. Shantell Brightman says:

      Lisa, I love your bad rule to break during the holidays. Traditions are comforting, but change is good. Afterall, there is a season for everything! I’m so going to break this rule with you!

  3. I liked this quote: “I’m sure you guys have all had this experience of having your best ideas when you’re gardening or taking a shower or jogging. It’s because our brains actually open up and become broader. They think better when we’re playing.” I need to write down those great ideas when they pop up during my “play” time.

  4. My bad rule is that the holidays are supposed to be perfect and we are supposed to DO it all for everyone. But that always just makes everyone crazy and no one really enjoys the time we are supposed to be most thankful and joyous.

  5. This episode is so full of “ah-ha” moments, but one of the ones that touched me most was Cheri’s comments about “re-mothering.” We do so need to be tender with ourselves. I look back on my life and think about how damaging it was for me on the inside to be so very hard on myself. I wouldn’t think of talking that way to anyone else, but I would do it to myself. I still catch myself getting into that cycle, but it is easier to recognize and the Lord is always grabbing my hand and pulling me out of it. He’s good like that. Thanks to all three of you for such a meaningful episode.

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