1. This was such a good episode. This really hit me hard. I loved: The bad rule: my circumstances are my reality. The truth: My reality rests on hope. Hope in Christ alone. I know I didn’t label that correctly but it is so true. My circumstances are real but they do not define me and the hope to get out of those circumstances can only from God. Oh how far I have come in just a year with bad circumstances put to the back burner and finding my hope in Christ which in turn gives me such JOY. I also love that Amy said we have to be intentional about getting out of a funk that we are in. It is so true. Satan wants us to be in the funk and to be down and depressed but Jesus says He is the life. The fruit of knowing Him is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control. Thank you for all of these wonderful words of wisdom. And yes…….I love EXHALE!!

  2. I had to listen again to last week’s guest interview w/Wendy Pope because I spent too much time being offended and I missed a lot! At least that was the warning I gave my daughter when I sent it to her. Ha. Then I listened to this episode and it was SO much and I was SO jazzed that I considered scooping out a big ol’ spoonful of peanut butter to settle myself…Now I find the need to print out the transcript so I can highlight and study. BLEW ME AWAY. Thank you. (oh, and I had to go Wendy’s website to see what she looked like cause…control freak) Also, I find the interactions between you two hysterical…I have to listen all the way to the out takes every time. Don’t change anything. Looking forward to the book.

    1. I just reread my comment above and hope you realized I LOVED the programs and by saying offended it was another way to say stepped on my toes, or got me where I live. i.e. giving into a church culture, mani pedis. So much good stuff it stopped me in my tracks and made me think. So much to process/praycess.

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