1. Wow.

    I didn’t expect the podcast to be about the topic it was. I feel like it was God revealing what I struggle with. The stuffing, and the fixing.
    Thank you for sharing this powerful podcast.

  2. I to have chronic pain and illness. I have really great and good days and I have bad days. God is there each type of day. Even when my vision of Him is blocked. My support group is fierce prayer warriors. We know we can’t understand each other’s pain or emotional needs like our Lord does, so we pray trusting he has it all in control.

  3. So good, I totally get Melinda’s message of wanting everyone to think we are ok because it looks like we have it together on the outside. It is so freeing, even though at times scary, to open up to Jesus all of our pain. I also agree we have to be careful who we choose as our supports. Great episode. We are never hidden from our Father, He knows us oh so well and so desires for us to bring him all our messy!

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