1. I think it is tough having “grit” especially through adversity while “holding on”. I believe God gives us “grit” to make us stronger.

    I’m not sure if this will make sense however I’m going to post this.




  2. small, ruff, irritating particles

  3. Grit means hanging on through adversity, hold on, with an abrasive, negative attitude.

  4. Stacia Richerson says:

    My definition of grit is not giving up though the task seems insurmountable…if it is something God is leading you in. My grandmother had grit. In the 60’s my South Alabama born and raised grandma was living in Galveston, Tx where my granddad was stationed in the Navy. He was overseas and she was raising their 5 children essentially alone…and they were in church everytime the doors were open according to my mother. Anyhow, one business meeting they were discussing in this all white church whether to let this family join who was not white. My 5’2″ grandmother listened for a second, and I believe compelled by God and led by God, stood up and said that she thought they should be accepted because as far as she had read that the color of one’s skin had nothing to do with whether they got into heaven so it shouldn’t determine whether they can join a church. Now that is grit.

  5. Amanda Hodge says:

    One tiny piece of the plural grits which is a creamy meal from the south. Just kidding that’s not my real answer. Grit is courage. To have grit is to be able to do something that may be extremely hard for you but you do it anyway.

  6. Definitely a southern word, bear it, hold on, grind my teeth smile 😉

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