1. Christianne McCall says:

    I love the modern day references to the Apostles and how much we really are like them!

  2. Great podcast! It’s difficult sometimes to remember that what we do is for God and he is the only one we should be looking to for acceptance. Often times we look toward those around us for acceptance and forget its about what’s inside of our hearts, not what someone sees us do. I need to continue to focus on what God is trying to show and teach me in certain situations, rather than what I what or expect to happen.

  3. Listening about perfectionism and how we are beloved!

  4. Cheri & Amy ~~ Thank you so much for these podcasts! They are a great help to me. Please keep them coming!

  5. I can really relate to being the consummate teacher’s pet. I also love to serve in the church and love to be called out or recognized for my commitment, loyalty, and hard work. I serve because I love God, but I bask in the compliments because I love me. After basking comes the shame because I know that the Glory that I have been wallowing in was never mine. I loved that you said that its OK to feel good about an excellent answer or a job well done but it becomes bad when we Glorify ourselves and forget the one who gave us the gifts, talents and ability to achieve and accomplish the task. Thank You for this lesson in priorities and gratitude! From now on my name tag will read: Hello My Name IS Margaret, the Beloved Disciple of Christ.

  6. Natalie Evans says:

    Wow! This session really made me think. Am I using my God given talents to make myself feel good (self worship) or worshiping And praising God for the gifts he’s given me. What is my motivation for the “good” things I do?

  7. Gina Weeks says:

    I was so encouraged hearing this today. I’ve become very focused on setting goals and meeting visible achievements in my life. Perfectionism is a huge part of my life…

    My biggest lightbulb listening today was in thinking about how I grapple with peace in my efforts as a mom of older kids and one young adult. How do I know I’m doing a good job? Have I done enough?

    I can’t remember the exact term used in this message, but I received such a measure of grace in listening and receiving this message and Word from the Lord.

    Thank you. God bless you and His ministry,

    Mrs. Gina Weeks

  8. In this Episode # 06 – I appreciated hearing you both speak about “What are our “fish”?”; that it is not about the ‘fish’, it was never about the fish, external things, but rather it is the internal that God wants us to focus on, because that is what He is focused on.

  9. Loved the book, “Come With Me”, and hearing both of you talk about it. ♡♡ 🙂

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