1. Nichole W says:

    I love knowing that Jesus can use us to be a blessing to others through our flaws (and even pass mistakes). I also was intrigued by “If you know it’s Jesus speaking and asking you to do something then just say yes” I struggle with this because I am a people pleaser and always want to say yes. You have to know If Jesus wants you to, if so, then you should and other times it’s ok to just say No.

  2. John called himself “the beloved disciple” – Jesus never called him that! What a picture of the humanity of the disciples!….Johan was impulsive, wanting to BE the “beloved disciple” of Jesus Christ! Thank you for pointing out to us that God uses our weaknesses as well as our strengths – Jesus CHOSE those disciples with all their flaws! Be blessed!

  3. Beauty and knowledge of knowing Jesus and who you are.~I am…a beloved disciple, even with flaws and all.

  4. I loved this! It’s not about the fish! Peter left the fish. Why didn’t I ever think of that? I love how we can learn something new from a scripture passage we’ve studied many times. It’s about the race. Wow. I was so inspired by this interview. I really want to read Suzie’s book now! I also loved that He uses our weakness as well as our strengths.

  5. Fawnda Dooley says:

    i must confess that I do get so consumed with the ends result that I neglect to enjoy the race! Would love a copy of this book! Very timely for my family’s season we are in. We stepped out in obedience and then the Lord for whatever reason the Lord has us in a holding place. I love the challenge to Peter to go out to the deep and let down your nets.. Thank you for the wonderful reminder that when I go deep with Him, He will overwhelm me. Not about the fish but about Jesus! Thank you! Needed this word today! Would love a copy of the book to encourage me to enjoy the race God has for me TODAY!

  6. Katharine says:

    I loved being reminded that the Lord can work with flawed. Even one as flawed as me. Fabulous podcast. Thanks for all of your hard work.

  7. I’m grateful for the reminder that God uses uses both our strengths and weaknesses to fulfill His purpose! Thank you, also for the reminding me that living (life ) is about the journey not the destination, unless we focus on our daily walk with Christ we will not be prepared to live with Him.

  8. I pre-ordered “Come with Me” and have devoured the book TWICE since receiving it. I desperately want to draw close to Jesus, so will gladly read it a third time for the coming Bible study. Thank you Cheri, Amy and Suzie for the podcast. I enjoyed every second.

  9. Delores McPherson says:

    My favorite line was “stop looking at the finish line and start enjoying the race.” So many times I focus on results and try to determine if I should do something by whether or not I will see the “proper” results. I just started reading “Come with Me” but it is a church library copy. I would love to have my own copy to highlight and write notes in. I am praying about an opportunity presented to me at my church and what Suzie said about delay tactics hit me square between the eyes. I guess it is time to say yes because He said so and enjoy the race. Thank you so much for this blog. I truly enjoyed listening.

  10. Christianne McCall says:

    I really enjoyed hearing about all the disciples. It’s hard to grasp that they were flawed just like us.

  11. “I don’t get it Lord, But if YOU say so”….
    I love this! I never picked up on it when reading this passage. Thank you Suzie for sharing your insight with us. I can’t wait to read your book!

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