1. I love the title of the book: “Love Idol.” Anything that we place in front of God, including gaining gaining acceptance & love from anyone other than God, is truly an idol. I believe we sometimes forget (and the enemy preys on when we do) that idols can come in the form of ungodly feelings/emotions, not just physical/materialistic objects.

  2. As one who grew up in a very volatile home, I know what it’s like to not be approved of. I recognized early on that I continued to seek approval from the man who raised me knowing that I would not get it. It doesn’t matter how old you are, you still seek approval of your parents. As an adult and delving into my relationship with God, it isn’t easy to accept the fact that God approves of me as I am and always has. It is something I strive to realize every single day.

  3. Lydia Pico says:

    I loved learning that I am preapproved.

  4. I struggle with feeling that I am good enough and that I measure up. I am also a perfectionist in all that I do. I needed to hear Jennifer’s message and Amy’s , a recovering perfectionist, messages speak to me as well. Love your podcasts!

  5. I don’t need to seek approval in others or other things.. I am pre-approved in God’s eyes and that is everything!

  6. Be in a relationship of approval with God and others.

  7. Christianne McCall says:

    Yes, I try so hard for outside approval. Trying to remember I’m preapproved is a great tip!

  8. Pre-APPROVED! I love it!

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