1. Yes! Cheri..Thanks for linking up at my blog and I agree…I want to leave myself at the well so I can run and tell others. Love this post!

  2. Amen. I too want to leave my jug and feel the freedom. I agree with the earlier posts…great writing.

    Thank you my friend for visiting and linking to the Saturday’s Sister to Sister linkup. I appreciate your contribution.

  3. Debbie Taylor says:

    One of the most profound blog posts I’ve read all year long. This absolutely meets my heart cry! Thank you for writing this and laying this out so plainly. This is the woman I want to be to my family!!!

    I’ve been a “trying so that” woman for so long I can’t even fully comprehend grace! And I’ve loved Jesus for most of my life. But not like this. I’ve carried my jar around like a burden. Like a chain. Like a weapon…

    Awesome post!!!

  4. Thank you for our Messiah!! Through your blog (that I stumbled upon bu accident–I do not think so) and the book Grace for the Good Girl, I have discovered that I indeed hide behind a mask of self protection and people pleasing. So when I leave my jar at the well, I would be leaving my need to constantly please others and accept the fact that no matter how hard I try I never can please all people all the time. My jar also contains my wall of self-protection from rejection. I realize I cannot fulfill my calling if I always keep others at arms length. Help me Lord Jesus to overcome these destructive habits!!! I can only do this through your power!!!

  5. Dolores Green says:

    Cheri…until I started working looking into these areas with you I was not aware of just how much my perfectionist personality has been an issue in my life…ughh..I am beginning to wander about it..I mean..I know it is accurate..actually right on!..Just i do not know if I can do this..seems like all i will do is mess up..dee

    1. Dee — I’m becoming more and more convinced that *I* can not do any of this. Fortunately, we serve a God who loves us, welcomes us, and transforms us! We are a mess — that’s why we need a messiah!

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