1. Hi! I’d like to than you for this podcast. I found this episode particularly helpful today and was able to put some of it into practice. I ended the day feeling more loving and wanting bto be better. Thank you so much, truly.


  2. Enjoyed the article. Living with a perfectionist, I need to rely on God’s grace more.

  3. Had to smile on this one: “That’s one of the things that I had to give up, is deciding as he speaks whether that’s appropriate or not. That’s one of my expectations I’m letting go of.” I think I will follow suit! 🙂

  4. Have you been “hiding in the corner” all 26 years of my marriage? I felt like you were talking about me. My husband would freak if he heard this. He would think the same thing. You’ve definitely given me tools to implement in my life. Hard to admit, but I am pretty sure these changes will trickle over and benefit my entire life, not just my marriage. This is powerful stuff. Praise God for your insight and willingness to share. Thank you God, for softening my heart to be be receptive to these words and ideas. Bless these ladies. Amen

  5. Thank for you for this podcast and for exposing truth through God’s word!! There were many AHA moments as I saw glimpses of myself in your examples…everything has to be measurable, perpetual list making, I can get it cheaper and quicker on Amazon!. My take home is “what would really build this relationship instead of focusing on my unspoken expectations” and switching from furious to curious. I’m looking forward to more insights through the study.

  6. Thanks for doing the podcast . I could definitely identify with my being a perfectionist & a person who wants to please all people which of course one cannot do. . My husband is well aware of this. I am trying to let go of this and to let God take over with me becoming more like Him.

  7. My expectations often set me up for disappointment. Love this insight and can’t wait for the study to begin!

  8. Adrienne Rice says:

    Omg. …. nothing on the list why should I go? I’ve SAID THAT! His truth was “on time” (as always) for me. Thank you for delivering it to me today. Phil 2:3-4.

  9. Christianne McCall says:

    I just love this podcast in general. I’m really looking forward to the study next week; I can’t wait to see what it brings!

  10. I am better able to allow myself grace when I hear others like you say things that I strugglen with, too. I so appreciate what you guys said today…trying to go from furious to curious and that I am creating my own problem seeking grace from my husband so that I can give it to myself…hello?? !! When it’s put that way, it sounds so ridiculous and childish of me. But it shows me that I want to ask God to change me there.

  11. Yes ,Yes ,Yes! I identify with it too!

  12. Mindy Koelle says:

    The flat out honesty and candor are my favorite parts! 🙂 Thanks!!

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