1. Lisa Maria says:

    Once again Cheri, you have nailed this one for me! I can totally identify with the ‘stuffing my feelings’. Far too often I’ve been over-ridden where my children were concerned by my in-laws over the years. I simmered on the inside but said nothing because I hate rocking the boat. I’ve become a little better at speaking out, but there are still more times that I don’t than I do.

    I am, right now,in a place of trying to surrender my feelings to God…and to forgive…some family members who did not even call (except for one who BBM’d her!) my daughter for her birthday, far less to visit her (I’m talking about my sisters and mom). I’m particularly disappointed since we always go out of our way for them, baking cakes etc. and visiting them and this was her SWEET SIXTEEN!! I have held my tongue and said nothing but I am seething on the inside because I know it must have hurt her.

    Going to put your ideas into practice…thank you!

    1. Lisa Maria —

      Oh, my heart hurts for you and your daughter! So hard when you have what you feel are normal, reasonable expectations and others let us down…or roll right on over us.

      I wish I hadn’t given up so long ago. Looking back, I realize that I kept telling myself “it’s too late to do anything different…I just have to live with this…” Very all-or-nothing thinking. “I’ve let them walk all over me, so now I can’t stand up for myself at all.” What I’ve learned (and am still learning!) in the classroom is that do-overs are possible. Not easy. Not pleasant. But possible. I’ll be making imperfect progress with my own family in this area in a month and two…

  2. Oh, I feel as though this is speaking directly to me, about me. Thank you for putting things into perspective and giving me ideas of options as to how to not become bitter when things don’t always go the way we expect them to!

    1. Bitterness, I’m finding, is the end result of so-called “people-pleasing”! And all along, I’ve been thinking that the end result would be, oh, peace…but not without truth spoken in love!

  3. I too am doing the Unglued Bible Study. Your devotion today is perfect – I think we are a very similiar when it comes to today’s topic.

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