1. Thank you Kathi for telling us that it is okay to fail and we always learn something out of it.
    I had such an experience and it caused me to be fearful to step out again. i was afraid of criticism when I should just be obedient.
    Also remember I was in a church ministry and a fellow-mate was a perfectionist and hurt me with her comments when she shared with another, not realising i was in the email loop. It had shaked my confidence. I want to start afresh again.

  2. Thank you Kathi for your encouragement. I’ve been a perfectionist for a long time and it has taken a trial to come into my life to break that trait. I have always been a planner and I think it is still okay to plan…..however, I’m truly learning to take one day at a time and be “open” to God’s plan even when it throws a me a curve and I want things “my way”. ~Lisa~

  3. My “ah-HA!” moment is when Kathi said, “I can plan, and plan, and plan, but God has His own plans. If I’m looking more to become a part of His plans, then I’m not going to hang on to things quite as tightly as I did in the past. I’m going to be freer to say, “You know what, I had a plan, but God had a different plan.” “I believe there’s a mourning process to letting go of things that were important, but if I’m holding on to too many things, then that means my hands are not free to be open to what God’s bringing to me. I want to be open to that.”

  4. Aha moment–instead of being ashamed of failing be proud of having tried. I find myself not attempting things for fear of failure to not do it perfectly. I need to find joy in the activity even if I r d up coloring outside the lines.

  5. Elizabeth says:

    Sometimes it is best to let go of relationships. I have a relationship that is ending and I am having a hard time not keeping it going. Thanks!

  6. I am and have been a perfectionist forever. I am dealing with it and this will help. I liked the part about failure – that you do not be ashamed of it. and the part about reading the book of Acts. Thank you

  7. I love the line in conversation, “but I’ve also seen that people have gone on to do really kind of incredible things when they’ve been released from what they’re not supposed to be doing.”

    I find myself trying to be so perfect, yet not good enough, in everything I do, and in my most important relationships… I put MYSELF in a box, not allowing room for mistakes – which means I am not putting my true, authentic self out there, afraid of failure or not being liked or loved.

    The idea of doing incredible things after being “released from what I shouldn’t be doing”, if I let myself out of the box… sounds amazing, lol. The thought that this is even a possibility brings hope and peace and excitement to my soul.

  8. Christianne McCall says:

    A ha moment was when Kathi talked about trying to get everything perfect before starting. I need to break that rule!

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