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  1. Pingback: 3 Questions to Ask When Disappointment Hits Too Hard - Cheri Gregory
  2. Judy Long says:

    As I read this blog I am recovering from intestinal flu and have no TV because my husband and I are living in a motor home now. He came down with it first recovered and went to a lectureship with other men. I come down sick the 2nd day of his absence! I couldn’t read or play games on my IPad! Just resting! Oh my the hours I have been resting. Then I thought of Jesus! He would have probably love to have just rested instead on the day he died! He probably would have loved being with the father and not on the cross! I feel better and I will praise him today for being my Lord and Savior!!

  3. Terri Goehner says:

    Thanks Cheri. As someone who has to be busy…a busy/full schedule is the goal! (I’m a driver and a people-pleaser with a side of performancism. I’ve never felt comfortable just sitting and doing nothing…it just feels like such a waste of time. So this is an area that I’ve been working on (and God has been working on me)…baby steps, baby steps.